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Vickers VC10 Panel
15Apr08 Fixed another minor problem when used in FSX - DATUM ADJUST wasn't working when ALT hold selected.
Also altered the auto throttle fix, so that the modern auto pilot option will once again allow speeds over 180kt in FS9.
12Apr08 A few minor problems fixed for use in FSX.
03Jan07 Altitude Alert stuck on '10000' fix. Corrected in panel.cfg
Also made Civa INS popup window bigger.
29Dec06 Mistake corrected in panel.cfg, had copied radio section in from 1-11 & had forgot to rename '1-11' as 'VC10'.
Could result in a blank radio panel.
28Dec06 Main panel is now at a slightly higher resolution so that the text is a bit clearer.
The colour balance is better, with the cockpit views also being brightened & colour balanced to match.
Some new beeps & bells added, as well as the V1 & Vr calls, like the extra sounds on the 1-11 & Trident models.
The old auto pilot was a bit loose in altitude hold, often letting the altitude creep.
The idea of a 'DATUM ADJUST' caused that, but I've since realized how to do it better.
Altitude hold keeps it where it ought to be, while the DATUM ADJUST still allows small changes in vertical speed.
15Jun06 Fix for malfunctioning mach hold mode.
Some downloads were ok & do not need the fix, but a large number of downloads contained a bug that caused pitch increases in Mach hold mode.
18Feb05 Corrections to automatic generators to cure battery fault problems with the Delco Carousel INS gauges.
Some minor fixes to certain warning lights & how they behave with battery/generator electrical supply.
08Jan05 Automatically turn on the generators to make up for the absence of any proper generator switches.
Optional extra - Panel will now make use of the freeware Bubble Sextant (on AVSIM) if you have it installed.
05Dec04 New folder structure in the download.
12Oct04 Autopilot improved along with a new auto throttle unit.
Several minor improvements & colour balanced slightly better.
01Jul04 Autopilot now has the final version of the improved XML code from the latest Comet panel.
ADF is now tunable in the decimal range.
Turn coordinator calibrated properly for 4 & 2 minute standard rate turns.
Ice Detected light altered to work more realistically.
24Apr04 Making an ILS approach without ALT hold engaged could result in a death dive.
The Auto pilot has been rewritten to use a more reliable method.
19Apr04 The autopilot has now been successfully programmed to work more like the real thing.
IAS & MACH hold are no longer linked to the auto throttle and now work correctly by altering pitch instead.
Auto throttle is still available as before, but only up to 200 kt.
There is also the option of a modern style auto pilot for the less adventurous.
The manual documentation has also been updated.
01Nov03 Minor bug fixes done to match the files in the release of VC10 Airliner package to AVSIM.com
Autopilot altered to stop problem with elevator getting temporarily stuck when switching on 'NAV' mode without 'ALT' hold engaged.
The second yaw damper switch now moves in line with first yaw damper switch.
The Views & Documentation downloads have not changed.
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