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Vickers VC10 HS121 Trident DH106 Comet BAC One-Eleven Home
  Flying the Comet 4 Printer Version
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5: Takeoff

Pitot Heat ON
Keeps the pitot tubes clear of ice & so ensures that the IAS indicator keeps working.
Reverse Lock ON
Reverse lock blocks selection of reverse thrust.

This lever is only available in the VC. In FS there is no real disadvantage in ignoring it.
The Comet had it because reverse thrust was selected by pulling the outer throttles back beyond the idle position.
Autopilot Master ON
Autopilot can not be powered up without Autopilot Master being switched on.
And there is a double check that the A/P is not somehow engaged.
Landing Lamps ON
Top Temp Control ON
Top Temp monitors the engines & will automatically reduce power to keep them within set limits.
It is impossible to overheat the engines with Top Temp on.
Relight Override ON
Sets all engines to automatically attempt a relight in the event of an engine stopping.
Engine Synchronizer OFF
The engine synchronizer forces other engines to adopt the same RPM as the nominated engine (usually no 1 engine 'Port Outer').
All engine control must be independant for takeoff.
Power FULL
Brakes OFF
Full power should give around 8000 - 8150 RPM depending on the conditions.
Rolling start or hold with pedal brakes is ok.
Calls will come for V1 and Rotate (Vr).
At rotate gently pull back the yoke & lift off.
The Comet can climb steeply even when at full weight.
It was quite normal to adopt an initial climb speed of only 150 kt, gaining height quickly to help with noise abatement.
Acceleration is rapid & so the yoke needs to be held back to keep to 150 kt.
Adjust elevator trim if needed.
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