Crown copyright material reproduced with the permission of the Controller HMSO
Back in July 2004 myself & Dave Booker were fortunate enough to be guests of Flt Lt Andy Towshend at RAF Brize Norton. Andy took us on an early morning refuelling sortie in a real VC10 C1K & then had us testing our 'skills' in the full motion C1K simulator in the afternoon. Quite a day!
These pages are intended as a guide to the task that myself & Dave Booker flew on the VC10 C1K simulator at Brize Norton. The model performs it very nicely indeed in FS2004.
For simplicity I have used the default MS scenery of Brize Norton, which does not have a working DME on the ILS.
It is not a major problem, because the DME reading is only needed once during the circuit & a reading can be taken from nearby Fairford instead.
There is some nice Brize scenery by Nick Black that I use & this does have a working DME.
The task involves a take off from runway 26 (Take off weight of 95 tonnes), climb to 2500ft, turn back to intercept the NDB beacon, fly outbound from the NDB beacon at a heading of 100 degrees, turn onto ILS approach after 9 nautical miles. Perform a touch and go, climb to 1500 ft, then turn right for a visual circuit & full stop landing.
The intended flight line is shown on the Brize Norton approach plate here in green.