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  Flying circuits at Brize Norton in the VC10 Printer Version
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6: Touch and Go, Visual circuit & Landing

We are performing a touch & go, so keep the nose up slightly if possible, raise flaps two notches to take off setting (20 degrees), adjust trim to around 3.5 degrees and apply take off power of 93 % RPM.

Rotate speed for touch and go is VAT + 5, so that's 128 kt judging from the picture here.
(I think I've burnt a little extra fuel taking all these pictures!)
Gear up & climb out as before at around 12 degrees pitch, 160 kt.
We are aiming for 1500 ft this time though & will leave the flaps at take off setting (20 degrees).

Level off at 1500 ft, around 84-86% RPM.

Make a 20 degree bank turn to the right, keeping altitude around 1500 ft.
You can use auto pilot if you wish, but I'm flying manually now.

We are aiming to fly along the side of the runway, so turn until the line on the Horizontal Situation Indicator is vertical

Once on the correct heading, we need to carry on straight & level until the end of the runway.
Get the speed to around 160 kt by a power setting of around 82-83% RPM.
Note - Here the ILS line on the Horizontal Situation Indicator is showing on the wrong side of the aircraft symbol.  This is because we are currently 'behind' the beam so things are reversed.

Looking out right, we can see the runway.  When it looks like we are about level with the end, start the stopwatch on the main panel.
As a rough guide, we can turn right for our approach after 45 seconds.

After the 45 seconds (stop watch is bottom right), again turn right with 20 degrees bank, around 160 kt.
If the glide slope line starts moving down (as it is here), you can follow it by descending.

Pull out of the turn so that you are attacking the runway line (ILS beam) at about 45 degrees.
This is a visual circuit though, so take a look & see where you are.  Unfortunately this isn't as easy to do in Flight Simulator as in real life.
Once you are getting level, select Approach flaps (35 degrees) & let some speed bleed off.

Get down to Landing flaps as soon as possible & start reducing power to around 82% RPM so you will hit your Landing speed (VAT).  Don't worry if your final adjustments are quite large, just do what you have to do. :-)

Before touchdown, set power to idle & flare by reducing vertical speed to under 300 ft/min.
Select spoilers out, get the nose wheel down & select reverse thrust.
Steer by rudder.  At 60 kt stop reverse thrust (give the throttle a quick jolt in FS) & apply brakes as needed to taxi speed.

That's how they do it in the RAF.


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